This year saw cute designs smashed against the WEIRDEST thing: a Country theme?
I know, right? WTF?! It was not cute AT ALL. I have a lot of respect for the designers, don't get me wrong, but I hate MOST country things.
I mean, WTF is this shit?!
Doily wings that looked like they were plucked off MeeMaw's table? MeeMaw's table cloth that she loved to literal pieces and turned into a quilt which turned into a jacket AND wings (wings not pictured but trust me, they exist). Oh, and let's not forget the straw/hay wings that were probably heavy as FUCK (but probably not as heavy as these). They were pretty neat BUT they blended into that poor model's hair and it was like, "Oh look, they made wings out of hair. Why would they make wings out of hair? In the country portion? Oh...wait. They're zooming in. Yes, camera person, those are boobs. Zooming...zooming...HAY? WTF?! Wings out of hay???"
The rest of the outfits were great! The "Tough Love" portion had a few obvious nods to McQueen that were FABS.
They all looked like little trampy vixens and I loved it! Especially Adriana.
I just can't get enough of her. It's almost like she's not even real. She's that beautiful to me
The Sports segment was a little weird. It had its hits and misses (ZING!) but it was well done. Definitely creative!
And I LOVE that guy's face in the middle pic on the bottom row. "No, I'm totes NOT checking out Alessandra's ass! Whatevs. Okay I am."
You're silly.
The Jungle segment was pretty. The peacock wings were to die for!!!
This was AMAZING!!!
Look at that headdress!!!
Then Akon came out and sang during what I dubbed the "Goddess" portion of the show. Goddesses, indeed! Look at these ladies!
And to think: these aren't even all the outfits! *gasp*
My most favourite outfit of the night was this one:
STUNNING!!!! There are no words that can describe how I feel about this outfit...Stunning doesn't even cut it.
On to the Candy Raver slumber party!!!!
I was loving the "Rainbow Brite come to life" aura of this:
Squee!!! Super cute!
Along with the model interviews and behind the scenes featurettes, there was also a Director's track. There were several people on headsets that were announcing who was walking next, which segment they were running and so on and so forth. I can appreciate that because that's always interesting to me but I couldn't help but think that they got some guy and some gal to come in during post and add in their "cues". Not even the real people directing the show, just some random voice over talents. You never saw who was talking during the director's track and you only saw fleeting moments of a person wearing headsets while they were pointing frantically or ushering the next model to the staging area or to her wardrobe station. And knowing how hectic it gets back there, if they had actually used the live director's track, there would have been a lot of censoring. I know I would be cussing up a storm. But once the dust settles, it's all hunky dory. It's the heat of the moment. I get it. Good job, voice over people!
Catch more VS shenanigans here and here. I want to try and find more outfits because these aren't ALL of the outfits from the runway! They were all so awesome (save for the country but I'll shut up about them now). Off to hunt for more!
Love and kisses,
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