Fangirling over here! I was trying to respond as sanely as I could since it's busy season for me at work (see here and here) and I'm very exhausted and by the time PR aired last night, I was straight up delirious.
Enough of my crying - let's get on to Andrea leaving.
According to Mr. Gunn, the producers reached out to her with absolutely no response as to why she left the way she did. Melissa saw her get up in the middle of the night but didn't think anything of it - and why would she? Little did they all know Kooan was having mixed feelings as well. And I like how it took working with Mean-a Irina to solidify his decision to go home. He wasn't happy and you know what - if he wasn't happy doing what he normally loves, I don't blame him for leaving. Much love to you Kooan! Hearts and stars and rainbows for you forever!
Click on in for runway shenanigans
MK starts off the "Everyday Woman-On-The-Go" challenge with the declaration "Fashion is not for sissies!" No comment there. I will comment on all the colour going on at MK's flagship store. Melissa acknowledged the colour's presence and she went with black AND a some sort of charcoal grey colour. Whoa.
Ah, yes, the ol' "desert woman on the go". Nailed it. Melissa (as with many a PR contestant) over-thought the process and was going for something else completely different but settled for this. Not great but not horrible.
Speaking of contestants who have a rough time with time, Raul (who was allowed back because of the double drop-out) was back to his antics of complaining about his time constraints - as mentioned MANY A TIME by Ven (who knows everything, in case he hasn't made it clear by now).
If I was eliminated once and allowed back to compete, I wouldn't send this down the runway. No thank you. It was bulky and he had a fitting problem with making the pants too small. The pattern on the vest thing was not working for me and the fact that he styled it with those blue shoes AND the pink clutch was not the best choice. The judges were harsh on him by reminding each other that he had just been eliminated and this is what he sent out for his "grand" return?! Yuck. At least he didn't have his model styled after his vampy bangs.
Since I touched on Mr. Know-It-All, I'll talk about Ven. Heather and I briefly recapped this morning and we both decided that not only does Ven love the flowers/petals thing, but he likes a diagonal seam. Why, I wonder?
What woman on the go would want a heavy zipper cutting her diagonally? And the ruffles along the one side seem to hide the poor construction. I've put some zippers on stuff (believe me) and girl, I know what it's supposed to look like and that is not it - UNLESS you have some ruffle things in your design. Crafty. Oh, and who else thinks Ven has the disease of Gretchen? You win two challenges and that makes you the expert? Yeah, okay. Let's hope that this time the judges won't be so lax.
Nathan had a bit of a meltdown as well. I was a little troubled because I thought he was going to jump ship as well but all he was doing was what nobody else could do, which was express his true feeling about how hard the competition is. Yes, it's taxing but you know what you signed up for honey. Cut to: Gunnar giving the same speech on his side interview. Preach!
Upon first glance, I thought he had made a hood but really, the golden colour of the fabric just happened to match his model's hair a little too closely. I don't really like the vest thing (will that be the trend this season?) but the dress is pretty. If it had been another colour, I would've been all about it.
Dmitry had grand claims to construct a dress with only one seam. Lofty. Did he do it? I don't know because Hayden Panettiere was too fixated on shoulders all night to let Dmitry say if he did the one seam or not. Or maybe he did and I missed it...
Is it me or does his model look like Jane from Happy Endings? Weird. The criss cross thing was cute but I agree with the judges: it would've been so much prettier if it had been in a bright colour - like red or something. That charcoal grey-ish makes it boring (and safe).
I like how Fabio used a very engaging print but the judges ripped him a new one for having such great personal style but a weirdly safe design aesthetic. I agree but I give him many props for using that great print.
I will agree with the judges about this: it looks like the clothes were meant to be bigger but they shrank in the wash. It was a great idea, he just needs to take it to that next level. You can do it Fabio!
Speaking of prints, Buffi took the "resort wear" route but she stuck to her guns and that ultimately got her auf'd. That sucks but at least she stayed true to her point of view and I have to give her mad props for that.
Not great but her awful seams sealed her fate. They told her that the coral / pink cover-up was like a cover-up for her terrible construction. Sorry babe. Maybe she could've concentrated if someone *cough*CHRISTOPHER*cough* would've stopped badgering her about her fabric choices.
Wait - wasn't Christopher hatin' on Gunnar last week for walking around the workroom to survey the competition? Oh that's right - HE WAS - and yet, here was Christopher doing the EXACT SAME THING. Ugh, but his outfit was tight and right.
I can't get mad at this, hunty. This is wonderful. Why it didn't win, I have NO idea. That jacket is SICK and that silhouette is CRAY. I love everything about this - including the shoes. They look kinda familiar...
Anyways - Gunnar is flying dangerously close to being OFF my radar. The only thing that saves him are his snippy comments. I love it! He's always got the right remark for his very unique situations.
I liked his idea of ombre with colour blocks but I just don't see it here. I do like how the lines are very clean and geometric. Very elegant and casual at the same time. Well done Gunnar!
Can Elena make something WITHOUT giant shoulders? I asked the same question via Twitter last night. Seriously, can she?
The jacket looks like that protective carpet you put on furniture when you move. Why does she insist on those crazy huge shoulders?! Maybe she secretly wishes she designed the "Big Suit". It's getting old, Elena. I'd like to see her switch it up.
Speaking of folks that keep on doing weird things - I'd like to see Alicia make some pants that actually fit in the crotch for once. I get that that's her design aesthetic but come on, that drop crotch thing has got to go.
Granted, this isn't as bad as it has been but still! I know she's a menswear designer and all but I'd like to see very well-tailored pants at least once from her.
Let's see...I've complained about everyone except Sonjia - last night's winner. Along with her win, Hayden P asked to wear this particular garment to a red carpet event. Aww! Double win for Sonjia!
Honestly, I wrote down Sounds like a WINNER next to Christopher's outfit but I've written that next to Somjia's outfits for the last 2 challenges now. I guess the judges realized they erroneously gave Ven 2 wins he didn't deserve (yeah, I said it) and made up for it with this win. It's nice but I wasn't feeling it 100%. At least she got her props though. Finally! Sonjia gets some love from the judges!
Next week is yet another team challenge (yay?) and Mizz Garcia is at the helm. Joy! I can't wait to see what she says "No" to next week!
**Editor's Note**
Please excuse my fractured and erratic thoughts. Like I said, it's busy season at work and I'm only half paying attention to the show when it's on and I'm all kinds of delirious as I write this. I hope it's entertaining to read, at least! I'll be back to my "normal" schedule next week.
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