Friday, December 20, 2013

A Little Envelope Love

For my extremely delayed Holiday cards this year, I took some inspo from The Postman's Knock blog and followed the very helpful instructions on How To Create Envelope Calligraphy.

Boy, do my hands hurt!  There was definitely A LOT of erasing, a lot of tracing and a lot of love that flowed out of my Pilot G-2 07.  It was worth all the hard work, though, because my envelopes look bangin'!

The font I used as the base was Some Weatz (available for download at Da Font).  I made a few changes, of course!  I didn't want it to look exactly like the original font!  If I did, it would've been way easier to print out pretty labels but NO - I want a personal touch.

Poor Louisville.  It was my first attempt at fancy lettering and it really took a beating!  I need to erase my guidelines (obvs) but man, I'm wondering if I should redo it...I know the recipient(s) will enjoy the contents more than the actual envelope but still - presentation is everything!

My dear Brooklyn-ites were next.  I picked up a slightly more used version of the same pen than I did for Louisville.  What a difference, surprisingly!  Louisville was done with a brand new, out of the box Pilot pen and I hadn't realized I had picked up my older Pilot pen from a different are of my desk.  I found that if you use a more "seasoned" pen, you get smoother lines than a brand new one.  Ya live, ya learn, I guess.

My Jersey folks were next.  I made some special embellishments to their names but I shared the zip code because I LOVE the way the 7's turned out!  So classy!

I saved the best of the full addresses for last: my lovely Los Angelean.  There's clearly a lot of cleaning up to do but I just really like how this L turned out versus the Louisville one.  Sorry, Louisville!  I also really like writing those A's.  They're just as pretty at the 7's!

For the personal cards, I experimented with this one for my friend Heather and her husband, Preston.  By experiment, I mean that I freehanded most of it - like the little swooshes at the R and N and the H was an embellished version of the quick faux-calligraphy H's I like to do (which you can kinda see quickly at the start of this video).  I think I did all right!

I did print out a sheet full of names for everyone in our gift exchange so that I can make some kind of fancy personalized envelopes.  Hopefully between writing these and my Katniss wrap - which is coming along nicely, my hands won't be too tired to continue writing!  I didn't meet my writing goal for November so I'm hoping I get there by some time in January.

What are your holiday plans?

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