As a participator in NaNoWriMo since 2009, I think my writing is...okay. I've finished a script and I'm working on another but I feel like I need more. My writing mentor randomly sends me roundtable discussion videos with scriptwriters - which I adore - and sometimes, he'll send me inspirational interviews to read from novelists or scriptwriters to help me get into the zone. While I love all of that, I have all these stories stacking up in my head just waiting - no -
screaming to get out. Just yesterday morning, I woke up from a dream that had the perfect framework for a suspenseful film and in my spare moments, I'm writing the second episode to my soon-to-hopefully-not-be-fictional-anymore TV show.
Okay. what?
Luckily for me, I was scrolling through my iPad's open tabs and saw
this post from Becky at
The Pink Samurai.
Yes, I want that
Gipsy Danger shirt...yes, I want to do a
hand-printed galaxy wall in my house...and then I saw
the link to an e-course called
"How to Write and Pitch a Book Proposal" and I HAD to click on it. And buy it. And read it immediately. And download the PDF. And print it out. And scan through it a million times.
I'm so insanely inspired! It made me think back to
this article by Hello Wordsmith. You know, the tough love thing. So I spent most of yesterday afternoon and the afternoon before that
(after work, of course), revisiting the previously finished script.
I have to admit that I'm a little afraid of revisiting that particular story because it's really tough on me emotionally but I have to power through it
(like Hello Wordsmith says) and get it out. It will be a little different this time, though. Last time, I stuck to the most important details in the story - like you would for scriptwriting. This time, I get to explore the emotions that particular situation brought out in me. I think I'm partly afraid of revisiting this particular story because it's based on something that actually happened to me and, while I think it's movie-worthy
(think Blue Valentine sorta kinda), I don't really want to revisit that particular time in my life. Maybe it will be a good energy exercise to release that negativity? Who knows. I'm hoping that with this, I can expel it once and for all and move forward.
As for the other stories, well, we'll see how they shape up. I put my old man in charge of episode one of my soon-to-hopefully-not-be-fictional-anymore TV show and he's not delivering. I took it upon myself to give him the benefit of the doubt and have a little faith in the pilot, hence the reason why I'm writing the second episode. I might just wrap up episode two and back track to pick up episode one. Or make episode two episode one instead. I need to do a little more research, though. Ah yes, good ol' research...
Are you working on any passion projects? What are they? I'd love to know!
Happy Wednesday!