Saturday, May 3, 2014

Instant Adventures #4

Instax adventures! Instax adventures! Instax adventures! Camera Crew Antics Camera Crew Antics Camera Crew Antics Camera Crew Antics

I felt like I was slacking on the Instax Adventures game, so I stepped it way up!

1. The roses by my mailbox that will end up in someone else's mailbox soon!  Here's a Hipsta of them
2. The pretty azaleas by my front door!  They, too, ended up in someone's mailbox!
3. The pretty bouquet from Lauren and Chandler's engagement brunch!  I took them for a walk the other day :)  Yes, they ended up in someone's mailbox!
4.The evidence of #3 going on a trip in my #outgoingmail post on Instagram

Since it's filming time, I tried out my Instax on my most favorite subjects: J and B from the camera crew!

5. Here's the first EVER shot of a person with my Instax Mini!  (kinda dark...)
6. J pulling his best Zoolander / Abercombie model face (still dark)
7. Playing with the brightness feature in the beautiful sun!
8. B being naturally charismatic and always awesome

Bonus Instax: Since J has a STRONG dislike of selfies, he wanted to capitalize on our fun photo op by taking a selfie of a selfie of a selfie.

Selfie of a selfie of a selfie

Hope you're having an awesome weekend!
Happy Saturday!

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